A friendly atmosphere is created within our nursery environments, based on warm and caring relationships between our nursery staff and the children in their care.
Each little one is assigned a key person will be allocated on arrival who will be responsible for settling them into the nursery environment.
The key person will also be responsible for preparing a "special book" for your child which will be a journey of the child's time at Step By Step Nursery. This will include art work, observations and will be sent home for parents to add photo's or comments.


Pre-school takes children aged 3 years and above with a staff ratio of 1:8. As the name implies pre-school sets out to prepare children for their journey to school.
There is greater emphasis placed on those skills that will help them for this experience such as their early writing skills (mark making) through to their early maths.
Although there is a lot of learning that takes place in pre-school we do not want to take away the point that this should still be fun! Individual planning is done to meet the needs of the children along with group themes that follow the ongoing interests of the children.


The baby and infant room holds children between the ages of 3 months and 2 years. We believe this time in a child’s life is immensely important as young learners start to explore the environment.
We aim for the children to experience warmth, security and a sense of belonging so that they really enjoy their time with us.
The children have a large range of toys and participate in various activities throughout the day such as music and movement, creative play, outdoor play and circle time.


Step By Step Nursery appreciates the various childcare needs that families have. We strive to be as flexible as possible to meet many of those needs. It is for that reason that we now offer Emergency Childcare.
We understand that many families already have an established childcare arrangement in place. Emergency childcare helps to support that arrangement by being here in the event that your usual childcare is unavailable (e.g. nanny phoned in sick, nursery inset days, sudden appointments, etc.).
Places are subject to availability but we hope will go some way to alleviating the stress of a lack of childcare.